July 12, 2010


Sitting across the road
There are beings of a kind
They have a lot to say
A lot... For every passer-by
It might be a necklace
Or just a simple ring
It could be the attire
Or just some skin
Everything belongs to them
Everything they own
Nothing can miss their eyes
Nothing... Oh no...

They can leap forward
Or just pull the stuff away
They are what they are
Looking for a prey
They might be a handful
But allowed to simply rule
Someone spoke against them
Oh what a fool
You can’t feel safe
No not in your own skin
For they have a right on you
At least they think they do

No one dare stop them
No one can utter a cry
They’ll leer and bite
And ogle and tear
You can shout
You can plea
Even raise a cry
Try all you want
Oh go ahead please try
But let me give a little hint
How dare you frown
When they called you names

How dare you this
How dare you that
How dare you that
How dare you this
How... How... How...
This is all you’ll get
Be it a stranger or
Someone you know
Disguise is what you have
Something that’ll stay
This is what we've come to
This is what is human

If this is what is human
I am happy what I am
I am no man
Nor a woman either
No not an animal
Not a bird too
But I am here
Oh yes I am
You can’t see me
Can’t feel me either
But I am still here
Here to hunt you down
You won’t thrive now
I’ll burn you down
I’ll scrape every inch of you
You can’t run
Oh no not now...

May 27, 2010

What is it, anyway?

My mom often tells me to be careful on the road, to not talk to strangers, to travel safely etc etc etc... To cut it all short - I need to be on a constant lookout in order to remain safe. But the Mangalore air crash made me wonder, if there is actually called safety? You can do everything right, avoid every risk, plan everything discretely, but still death seems inevitable.

Death wins were we hopelessly loose. It takes on innumerable disguises to lure us into the 'other world'. Many fools time and again have tried to conquer death, but all in vain. But what I want to know is are we really alive before we die? most of us wake up everyday and follow the same routine throughout our life. We are so busy hating our bosses, neighbors, family that we have forgotten to love ourselves.

SO I personally feel that rather than hoping to escape death, one should accept it. Only then can you live in peace. From now on - Stop worrying about the end and live the passage that leads to the same.

April 19, 2010

Breaking Away...

It was a formal party
I entered wearing a suit
When looked across the room
I found people were so mute
There were no smiles
No tears were there either
Suddenly my phone rang
I picked it up and laughed
Laughed and howled
And howled and laughed
All the eyes turned towards me
I was like a devil in disguise
I saw anger in their eyes
I swear it was rage
I also saw some fear
They couldn’t hold their gaze
I opened my mouth to speak
And said
I am not mad, are you???

That is not the way it is
This is not a way to be
To laugh and to be merry
Is a kind of a catastrophe
Medusa had the last laugh
Nobody laughed since then
She was a witch so that is that
No one can claim that again
If you do you’ll have to burned
But you can tickle yourself free
If not Medusa then Meera be
Because either has to be the case
For ‘learned men’ for ages now
Have propagated this maze
Being any one gives the liberty
To laugh like someone possessed
As otherwise it is just you and me
You and me at our best
But I am not mad, are you???

I am no witch not even a saint
Though I like Krishna and even snakes
Because he is a God I like him not
But it seems he simply lived his life
Remember I say ‘like’ not worship
Because that is exactly what I imply
I am just me and no one else
And I sure like to chuckle
I roar and shriek and scream and howl
I snort and grin and burst and guffaw
I care not whose eyes curse me
I care not that I am no man
I am a woman both in and out
I am a woman and I still dare
Cast away this cliché you freak
Categorising us into – the old and new
Again I open my mouth to speak
Again I say
I am not mad, are you???

April 17, 2010


Millions of days have passed away,
Many more months have gone by,
Still this ‘cultured’ society may,
Never stop asking ‘why... why... why...’

“It is not natural...
Stop this fashion...
What is this fusion?
Get out of this delusion...

One can’t live like this...
This is not allowed...
What will the people say?
Oh come on! Don’t frown...

This is not our culture...
This just flew from the west...
Just agree to what I say...
And forget the rest...”

Love is passion...
Love is blind...
But in the name of fashion,
When did it become a crime?

How is it against god?
Who is it, who decides?
Punishment comes in the form of a rod...
Only ridicule is what one rides...

A touch is still a touch;
A kiss, still a kiss...
It actually is too much,
When people their desires miss.

Stop living in clutches...
Stop it now, it’s high time...
Let them live in peace...
Leave them, it is their life... 

April 16, 2010


Years ago, once upon a time,
There lived a prince, named Crime.
He was not born, but chosen to be
As he was the only one who was so free.

He picked up a girl, later threw her aside.
Be it a virgin or it be a new bride.
He blew up places, that was his thing,
That is why everyone chose him the king.

He did not fear, he never cried.
Not even if he was served a human head fried.
He just barked though he was not a dog,
Nor he was that prince who once was a frog.

Devoid of emotions, of a heart and a mind.
None did I ever meet who said he was kind.
Be it little children, women, men or people old,
He was nothing to them – nothing but cold.

He cut, he stabbed, he also did kill.
Blood - only blood gave him some thrill.
Red is generally the colour but his was black,
Nothing could change him to send him off track.

‘Preserver’ was what he claimed to be,
Trained in torture actually was he.
No one could talk, no one could speak,
Rebel against him? Nobody had enough cheek.

It was a daily occurrence,
Daily was the disturbance.
Some did enjoy,
But most did nothing but cry.

He moved all alone, nobody even close.
When he glided along, everyone just froze.
Now is the time, get up and unite.
Unite together as now is the time to put up a fight.

April 14, 2010

To buy or not to buy???

It is a kind of a universal fact that women love shopping. Well, whats not to love??? :-) I mean is it our fault that women have a diverse range of products??? No!!! 

Question: Say a guy walks into a shoe store what will he ask for? 
Answer: Sneakers, formal shoes, floaters or at the most chappals.

Question: What can a girl buy in a shoe store?
Answer: Flat boots, high heel boots, ankle length boots, knee length boots, calf high boots, pointed toes in boots, boots with a zipper, without a zipper, gumboots etc. And this list is only about the boots. There are other kinds of footwear(with a lot of choices) too. 

My point here is don't blame women to be shopaholics. When there is so much in the world to buy, why resist? And besides don't men like to dress up and look good?  All those men who just nodded in affirmation, I guess its time for to come out of the closet and admit to the whole world that secretly men like to buy new stuff new. Don't know what to do about it? Well for starters follow my lead... Stand in front of the mirror and shout out loud - I AM A SHOPAHOLIC!!! See that wasn't difficult...


P.S. : Writing all this makes me crave to buy something. So off I go...

March 27, 2010


The moment you tell this to someone, often you would find that person shrugging his/her shoulders and asking - "What can I do?". Then you also tell them what can they do and spat comes the reply - "One person's efforts can not change the world". Honestly, that's true.

If only one person does what is right it doesn't make a big difference in this world. But my point is that if everyone who thinks he/she alone can't change the world starts putting in his/her little efforts, the world will soon be a better place to live in. In fact even if a single person starts doing something, people around him/her might get inspired and do something to preserve this beautiful masterpiece called 'earth'.

This is not a vague moral lecture that I am trying to give here, in fact I am talking from experience. In 2007, I saw a documentary on garbage disposal in Delhi. The documentary showed that out of the seven disposal grounds in Delhi, four are full and the remaining three are over-flowing. Most of the rubbish consisted of plastic and plastic variants. And we all know how dangerous plastic is to our environment. It also showed how the garbage thrown on streets(again mostly plastic) results in causing 'n' number of problems in animals who end up consuming that. It won't be wrong to say that most of the animals who eat plastic off the streets are soon found dead.

Ever since that day I have been conscious about my 'plastic' consumption. Well, the less you use, the less you throw away. Also I never throw anything on the road or the street. When I started practicing this habit stringently, many people(including my parents) made fun of me; echoing the famous, "What can a single person do?",  line. I didn't let them bother me, rather I started reprimanding my friends and family whenever they consumed plastic unnecessarily or threw the garbage anywhere but in a bin.

What is the result? Well, its been 3 years now and the people who used to make fun me then do what I started doing alone now.

So basically meaning to say start chipping in a little something to save our precious planet today. And if you can't figure out how to start, start by observing the EARTH HOUR. Just switch off everything for just an hour and contribute in saving this planet's life. The government need not announce a particular day to observe this desperately needed 'earth hour' for us to do something. I am sure we all can live without electricity for just an hour everyday. So lets just - KEEP IT GREEN!!!

:) :) :) :) :)

February 17, 2010

Books Books everywhere... What should I read?

Ever bought books when you know you do not have time to read them? In fact there already are like a gazillion unread books at your home already? Well, WELCOME to my side of the world. i recently bought sixteen - yes thats right 'sixteen' - books at the International Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan. But I just don't have time to read em...

Whenever I pick up a book outside my course to read(doing  masters in English literature), I feel that I should first try and concentrate on the stuff I would be graded for. But that doesn't stop my obsession with shopping for books. I just can't resist that enchanting smell of parchment in a place full of books. When I walk past a counter I swear I can hear the books calling out my name, begging me to buy them and promising to entertain.

And top of everything bookstores take advantage of my weakness and offer a bargain on them. I mean how can you leave a book with costs only 100 bucks??? How does it matter if that 100 rupees book is about 'scrapbooking'??? Yeah, that's true... I have this book too :) :)..

Well what can i do? 'BOOKS' are my first love. And its a universal fact that a girl never gets over her first love...  Trust me, they are the ideal lover one can ever hope for. Sad or happy, angry or calm, anxious or curious - what better companion can one have but an amazing book?

That reminds me I have got to get back to my reading... so... Aufwiedersehen...



What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
- Aristotle

Don't try and read the above quote in Hindi. Trust me it'll sound very cheesy. Having given the disclaimer, lets move on.

People often tell me that no one is going to stick with me till the very end; except my immediate family and of course, education. They also tell me that friends should not be my priority as they just disappear eventually. I say, 'They are correct'. 

So far in my life I've had many people who came, became my friends, then one fine day stepped out my life for some reason or the other. You know reasons like communication gap, misunderstandings, quarrels etc. Therefore, I feel that whosoever believes that friends come and go is not wrong.

But wait! What about the people who come in your life, make it extremely beautiful and never leave? Rather they just stick to you like super glue or something. People with whom you can share your entire life without any apprehensions sound like a beautiful dream. Well I am just lucky that for me this is not just a dream but a beautiful reality. I don't have to worry about these 'real' friends to leave me ever. I can laugh with them, cry with them, embarrass myself in front of them and I know they'll still love me.

So that is why I want to dedicate my first proper post to my 'special' friends who mean the world to me and are responsible for making me as crazy as I am today. I love you all :).

P.S. - Oops, I think I forgot to mention their names. Here they are... On second thoughts, I don't think I need to do is as they know who they are ;)...   

January 31, 2010

An awkward introduction :)

Sitting in my pandemonium,
Occured a novel thought.
When here I have a consortium,
Why should I let my views rot?

My thoughts might not be grave,
Might not be even free of flaw,
But they are still here,
Both  - done and also raw.

So hear me out
And then decide.
Am I just loud?
Or will I suffice?

Help me by keeping patience,
And a regular reader also be.
Will be waiting for your suggestions,
Every word will be appreciated by me.

           :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)