February 17, 2010

Books Books everywhere... What should I read?

Ever bought books when you know you do not have time to read them? In fact there already are like a gazillion unread books at your home already? Well, WELCOME to my side of the world. i recently bought sixteen - yes thats right 'sixteen' - books at the International Book Fair held at Pragati Maidan. But I just don't have time to read em...

Whenever I pick up a book outside my course to read(doing  masters in English literature), I feel that I should first try and concentrate on the stuff I would be graded for. But that doesn't stop my obsession with shopping for books. I just can't resist that enchanting smell of parchment in a place full of books. When I walk past a counter I swear I can hear the books calling out my name, begging me to buy them and promising to entertain.

And top of everything bookstores take advantage of my weakness and offer a bargain on them. I mean how can you leave a book with costs only 100 bucks??? How does it matter if that 100 rupees book is about 'scrapbooking'??? Yeah, that's true... I have this book too :) :)..

Well what can i do? 'BOOKS' are my first love. And its a universal fact that a girl never gets over her first love...  Trust me, they are the ideal lover one can ever hope for. Sad or happy, angry or calm, anxious or curious - what better companion can one have but an amazing book?

That reminds me I have got to get back to my reading... so... Aufwiedersehen...


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