February 17, 2010


What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.
- Aristotle

Don't try and read the above quote in Hindi. Trust me it'll sound very cheesy. Having given the disclaimer, lets move on.

People often tell me that no one is going to stick with me till the very end; except my immediate family and of course, education. They also tell me that friends should not be my priority as they just disappear eventually. I say, 'They are correct'. 

So far in my life I've had many people who came, became my friends, then one fine day stepped out my life for some reason or the other. You know reasons like communication gap, misunderstandings, quarrels etc. Therefore, I feel that whosoever believes that friends come and go is not wrong.

But wait! What about the people who come in your life, make it extremely beautiful and never leave? Rather they just stick to you like super glue or something. People with whom you can share your entire life without any apprehensions sound like a beautiful dream. Well I am just lucky that for me this is not just a dream but a beautiful reality. I don't have to worry about these 'real' friends to leave me ever. I can laugh with them, cry with them, embarrass myself in front of them and I know they'll still love me.

So that is why I want to dedicate my first proper post to my 'special' friends who mean the world to me and are responsible for making me as crazy as I am today. I love you all :).

P.S. - Oops, I think I forgot to mention their names. Here they are... On second thoughts, I don't think I need to do is as they know who they are ;)...   

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