April 17, 2010


Millions of days have passed away,
Many more months have gone by,
Still this ‘cultured’ society may,
Never stop asking ‘why... why... why...’

“It is not natural...
Stop this fashion...
What is this fusion?
Get out of this delusion...

One can’t live like this...
This is not allowed...
What will the people say?
Oh come on! Don’t frown...

This is not our culture...
This just flew from the west...
Just agree to what I say...
And forget the rest...”

Love is passion...
Love is blind...
But in the name of fashion,
When did it become a crime?

How is it against god?
Who is it, who decides?
Punishment comes in the form of a rod...
Only ridicule is what one rides...

A touch is still a touch;
A kiss, still a kiss...
It actually is too much,
When people their desires miss.

Stop living in clutches...
Stop it now, it’s high time...
Let them live in peace...
Leave them, it is their life... 

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