April 19, 2010

Breaking Away...

It was a formal party
I entered wearing a suit
When looked across the room
I found people were so mute
There were no smiles
No tears were there either
Suddenly my phone rang
I picked it up and laughed
Laughed and howled
And howled and laughed
All the eyes turned towards me
I was like a devil in disguise
I saw anger in their eyes
I swear it was rage
I also saw some fear
They couldn’t hold their gaze
I opened my mouth to speak
And said
I am not mad, are you???

That is not the way it is
This is not a way to be
To laugh and to be merry
Is a kind of a catastrophe
Medusa had the last laugh
Nobody laughed since then
She was a witch so that is that
No one can claim that again
If you do you’ll have to burned
But you can tickle yourself free
If not Medusa then Meera be
Because either has to be the case
For ‘learned men’ for ages now
Have propagated this maze
Being any one gives the liberty
To laugh like someone possessed
As otherwise it is just you and me
You and me at our best
But I am not mad, are you???

I am no witch not even a saint
Though I like Krishna and even snakes
Because he is a God I like him not
But it seems he simply lived his life
Remember I say ‘like’ not worship
Because that is exactly what I imply
I am just me and no one else
And I sure like to chuckle
I roar and shriek and scream and howl
I snort and grin and burst and guffaw
I care not whose eyes curse me
I care not that I am no man
I am a woman both in and out
I am a woman and I still dare
Cast away this cliché you freak
Categorising us into – the old and new
Again I open my mouth to speak
Again I say
I am not mad, are you???