April 16, 2010


Years ago, once upon a time,
There lived a prince, named Crime.
He was not born, but chosen to be
As he was the only one who was so free.

He picked up a girl, later threw her aside.
Be it a virgin or it be a new bride.
He blew up places, that was his thing,
That is why everyone chose him the king.

He did not fear, he never cried.
Not even if he was served a human head fried.
He just barked though he was not a dog,
Nor he was that prince who once was a frog.

Devoid of emotions, of a heart and a mind.
None did I ever meet who said he was kind.
Be it little children, women, men or people old,
He was nothing to them – nothing but cold.

He cut, he stabbed, he also did kill.
Blood - only blood gave him some thrill.
Red is generally the colour but his was black,
Nothing could change him to send him off track.

‘Preserver’ was what he claimed to be,
Trained in torture actually was he.
No one could talk, no one could speak,
Rebel against him? Nobody had enough cheek.

It was a daily occurrence,
Daily was the disturbance.
Some did enjoy,
But most did nothing but cry.

He moved all alone, nobody even close.
When he glided along, everyone just froze.
Now is the time, get up and unite.
Unite together as now is the time to put up a fight.

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