January 30, 2014


The eyes met
Saw a spark right there
Like current running through
Up and down
And back to the head
Like I had heard
Violins in the air
Like I had fancied
Life all flurried
The lips are apart
Beaming like no tomorrow
Oh! The sleepless hours
The shining mornings
And the radiant nights
The constant buzzing
The tapping on a loop
It’s all in my head
Maybe… Maybe not…
Is it my head?
Should I just put it apart?

The secret rendezvous
The sparkling twins
The continuous throbbing
The blushing reds
This is what it is
The moment has arrived
It’s not in my head
But it is in his eyes
The simper on his face
His qualm persona
Like pieces of a puzzle
Falling just in place
Everything makes sense
Perfect sense no less
Too perfect perhaps
Or maybe just enough
Can this be for real?
Maybe… Maybe not…
Is it still in my head?
Should I still put it apart?

What do we long
Who knows… Not I
What do we need
Is a secret
As old as time
Picture or the frame
The timeless debate
Who rots, who wins
Who knows but fate
Why put life in boxes
Labeled fair or not
Why detail every moment
When today is all we got
Not even today
Now is when the heart is breathing
It may gain a beat
Or could just expire
Do not be in doubt
Cherish thy love, I say
Cause ‘tis is better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all
Said an enlightened man
Wise, cause he was not wrong…

November 5, 2013

All that came...

Longing for days
No it did not come
Yearning for months
Still no sign
It should have arrived
Arrived few eons ago
Arrived when it was needed the most
Arrived when there were cascades flowing
Arrived when a twinge became a throb
Arrived when the soul was starving
Arrived when it became qualm
Arrived when it screeched
When it was tore apart
When it was looking for a shade
When it was burned downright
When it clasped and clinched
When it grasped and gripped
When it was meek and gentle
When it was drained and drowsy
But it did not come
For ages it hasn't
It may not come now
Or come all void

Oh look there it comes
Hails in all its grandeur
A tree did not die in vain
As it participates in its splendor
The hands that made it
So wise and noble
The eyes that envisioned it
So moist and heavy
It reached here safely
Did not get lost on its way
A kiss in a box
Is all that came…

November 22, 2012


The twinkle in the eyes
The sparkle in the smile
The warmth all around

The shyness
The strangeness
The weird demeanor

The jokes so funny
The talks still running
The teeth so white

The coldness
The anger
The subtle satire

The nudge
The poke
The tap

The tease
The smirk
The glance

The love
The hate
There it is… Poof!!!

November 7, 2012


Chains around the flesh
Sure you can’t see
Wounds are so fresh
Sure you can’t feel
Light is burning bright
With darkness smeared around
Nothing puts up a fight
Nothing can be found

A glimpse materializes
And vanishes in a jiffy
A trance actualizes
And cracks instantly
Raindrops are dry
And the sun is so cold
Still is the cry
Anima on a mould

A nip here
A slit there
A nick here
A stab there
Nothing came gushing
Nothing trickled down
The cave though is flooding
Flooding with all that’s brown

Shining whites suddenly appear
And they are here to stay
No they won’t disappear
Rest they just may
Chains will keep clunking
Wounds will go deep
Chains I will cast away
Wounds I shall keep

November 9, 2011

Here we go again...

I am back!!

Yes, I was missing for the longest time but I have decided to make a reappearance on my blog.

So whats new?? Well, I realized that I had almost stopped reading ever since I took up a job. That realization made my head spin... and here I am, a month from discovering that horror truth having finished three books.

Ahh.. what a heavenly feeling. Well, I should tell you guys that I have recently completed a trilogy called the Hunger Games. A close friend of mine had suggested this series and trust me I shall never ignore his suggestions in the future. The books are extremely well written and are a page turner.

I don't want to  say anything more 'cause I am afraid if I start it will be very difficult to stop talking about these books. Lemme just tell you guys one thing - the books are so good that I couldn't stop thinking about them days after I finished them. So just go and grab a copy and let the books speak for themselves.

Today I shall start reading the last book of Inheritance series, by Christopher Paolini. I am not particularly a huge fan of this series. But since I have read the first three books, it is only fair to complete the series. I shall keep you all updated on how the book turns out. Till then,

"Let the Hunger Games begin."

July 12, 2010


Sitting across the road
There are beings of a kind
They have a lot to say
A lot... For every passer-by
It might be a necklace
Or just a simple ring
It could be the attire
Or just some skin
Everything belongs to them
Everything they own
Nothing can miss their eyes
Nothing... Oh no...

They can leap forward
Or just pull the stuff away
They are what they are
Looking for a prey
They might be a handful
But allowed to simply rule
Someone spoke against them
Oh what a fool
You can’t feel safe
No not in your own skin
For they have a right on you
At least they think they do

No one dare stop them
No one can utter a cry
They’ll leer and bite
And ogle and tear
You can shout
You can plea
Even raise a cry
Try all you want
Oh go ahead please try
But let me give a little hint
How dare you frown
When they called you names

How dare you this
How dare you that
How dare you that
How dare you this
How... How... How...
This is all you’ll get
Be it a stranger or
Someone you know
Disguise is what you have
Something that’ll stay
This is what we've come to
This is what is human

If this is what is human
I am happy what I am
I am no man
Nor a woman either
No not an animal
Not a bird too
But I am here
Oh yes I am
You can’t see me
Can’t feel me either
But I am still here
Here to hunt you down
You won’t thrive now
I’ll burn you down
I’ll scrape every inch of you
You can’t run
Oh no not now...

May 27, 2010

What is it, anyway?

My mom often tells me to be careful on the road, to not talk to strangers, to travel safely etc etc etc... To cut it all short - I need to be on a constant lookout in order to remain safe. But the Mangalore air crash made me wonder, if there is actually called safety? You can do everything right, avoid every risk, plan everything discretely, but still death seems inevitable.

Death wins were we hopelessly loose. It takes on innumerable disguises to lure us into the 'other world'. Many fools time and again have tried to conquer death, but all in vain. But what I want to know is are we really alive before we die? most of us wake up everyday and follow the same routine throughout our life. We are so busy hating our bosses, neighbors, family that we have forgotten to love ourselves.

SO I personally feel that rather than hoping to escape death, one should accept it. Only then can you live in peace. From now on - Stop worrying about the end and live the passage that leads to the same.