November 5, 2013

All that came...

Longing for days
No it did not come
Yearning for months
Still no sign
It should have arrived
Arrived few eons ago
Arrived when it was needed the most
Arrived when there were cascades flowing
Arrived when a twinge became a throb
Arrived when the soul was starving
Arrived when it became qualm
Arrived when it screeched
When it was tore apart
When it was looking for a shade
When it was burned downright
When it clasped and clinched
When it grasped and gripped
When it was meek and gentle
When it was drained and drowsy
But it did not come
For ages it hasn't
It may not come now
Or come all void

Oh look there it comes
Hails in all its grandeur
A tree did not die in vain
As it participates in its splendor
The hands that made it
So wise and noble
The eyes that envisioned it
So moist and heavy
It reached here safely
Did not get lost on its way
A kiss in a box
Is all that came…