May 27, 2010

What is it, anyway?

My mom often tells me to be careful on the road, to not talk to strangers, to travel safely etc etc etc... To cut it all short - I need to be on a constant lookout in order to remain safe. But the Mangalore air crash made me wonder, if there is actually called safety? You can do everything right, avoid every risk, plan everything discretely, but still death seems inevitable.

Death wins were we hopelessly loose. It takes on innumerable disguises to lure us into the 'other world'. Many fools time and again have tried to conquer death, but all in vain. But what I want to know is are we really alive before we die? most of us wake up everyday and follow the same routine throughout our life. We are so busy hating our bosses, neighbors, family that we have forgotten to love ourselves.

SO I personally feel that rather than hoping to escape death, one should accept it. Only then can you live in peace. From now on - Stop worrying about the end and live the passage that leads to the same.