March 27, 2010


The moment you tell this to someone, often you would find that person shrugging his/her shoulders and asking - "What can I do?". Then you also tell them what can they do and spat comes the reply - "One person's efforts can not change the world". Honestly, that's true.

If only one person does what is right it doesn't make a big difference in this world. But my point is that if everyone who thinks he/she alone can't change the world starts putting in his/her little efforts, the world will soon be a better place to live in. In fact even if a single person starts doing something, people around him/her might get inspired and do something to preserve this beautiful masterpiece called 'earth'.

This is not a vague moral lecture that I am trying to give here, in fact I am talking from experience. In 2007, I saw a documentary on garbage disposal in Delhi. The documentary showed that out of the seven disposal grounds in Delhi, four are full and the remaining three are over-flowing. Most of the rubbish consisted of plastic and plastic variants. And we all know how dangerous plastic is to our environment. It also showed how the garbage thrown on streets(again mostly plastic) results in causing 'n' number of problems in animals who end up consuming that. It won't be wrong to say that most of the animals who eat plastic off the streets are soon found dead.

Ever since that day I have been conscious about my 'plastic' consumption. Well, the less you use, the less you throw away. Also I never throw anything on the road or the street. When I started practicing this habit stringently, many people(including my parents) made fun of me; echoing the famous, "What can a single person do?",  line. I didn't let them bother me, rather I started reprimanding my friends and family whenever they consumed plastic unnecessarily or threw the garbage anywhere but in a bin.

What is the result? Well, its been 3 years now and the people who used to make fun me then do what I started doing alone now.

So basically meaning to say start chipping in a little something to save our precious planet today. And if you can't figure out how to start, start by observing the EARTH HOUR. Just switch off everything for just an hour and contribute in saving this planet's life. The government need not announce a particular day to observe this desperately needed 'earth hour' for us to do something. I am sure we all can live without electricity for just an hour everyday. So lets just - KEEP IT GREEN!!!

:) :) :) :) :)